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Alert Filters
Luiza Gircoveanu avatar
Written by Luiza Gircoveanu
Updated over a week ago


Alert Filters help you tailor your Alerts to monitor important metrics in your Audits. When creating Alerts from the Alerts Library, you will be creating Alerts from scratch. If you are struggling to find a baseline metric for an Alert you are creating, it is helpful to look at previous Audit runs to see what metrics you want to monitor. If you click on the bell icon within an Audit Report, it will create an Alert with a metric pulled from that Audit.

Before saving an Alert, it will display a preview of how the Alert would have triggered on previous Audit runs. If the metric set is not triggering the Alert or is triggering it on every run, you may want to re-evaluate the metric set.

Available Filters

Audit Summary

  • Audit Score

  • Tag Presence Score

  • Tag Performance Score

  • Rule Score

  • Page Performance Score

  • Cookie Score

Page Summary

  • Pages Scanned

  • Average Page Load Time

  • Broken Initial Pages

  • Broken Final Pages

  • Pages with Broken Links

  • Rule Failures

Tag Inventory

  • Pages Scanned

  • Unique Tags

  • Broken Tags

  • Broken Pages

Tag Health

  • Pages Scanned

  • Avg Tag Load Time

  • Avg Tag Request Size

  • % Slow Loading Tags

  • % of Broken Tags

  • Total Tag Requests

Variable Inventory

  • Pages Scanned

  • Unique Tags

  • Tag Requests Evaluated

  • Unique Variables

  • Unique Values

Tag& Variable Inventory

  • Pages Scanned

  • Rules Assigned

  • Rule Failures

  • Failed Instances

  • Passed Instances

  • Not Applied Instances

  • Failed Pages

  • Passed Pages

  • Not Applied Pages

Duplicates & Multiples

  • Pages Scanned

  • Unique Tags

  • Total Tag Requests

  • Total Duplicates

  • Total Multiples

Cookie Inventory

  • Pages Scanned

  • Unique Cookies

  • 1st Party

  • 3rd Party

  • Non-Secure

  • SameSite Empty

Browser Console Logs

  • Pages Scanned

  • Errors

  • Warnings

  • Info

  • Debug

  • Other

Privacy Cookies

  • Pages Scanned

  • Pages with Unapproved Cookies

  • Unique Cookies

  • Approved Cookies

  • Unapproved Cookies

Privacy Tags

  • Pages Scanned

  • Pages with Unapproved Tags

  • Tags Evaluated

  • Approved Tags

  • Unapproved Tags

Requests Domains & Geos

  • Pages Scanned

  • Pages with Unapproved Items

  • Network Requests Evaluated

  • Unique Domains

  • Unique Geolocations

  • Approved Domains

  • Unapproved Domains

JavaScript File Changes

  • Pages Scanned

  • Changed Files

  • New Files

  • File Data Changes

  • File Size Changes


Operators allow you to set Alert logic once you have set a report filter.


  • Greater than or equal to (≥)

  • Greater than (>)

  • Less than or equal to (≤)

  • Less than (<)

  • Equal to (=)

  • Not equal to (≠)

Change (run-over-run)

  • Changes by (∆)

  • Increases by (+)

  • Decreases by (-)

  • Any change (±)

  • Changes by (∆ %)

  • Increases by (+%)

  • Decreases by (-%)

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