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Bulk Actions
Luiza Gircoveanu avatar
Written by Luiza Gircoveanu
Updated over a week ago


Bulk Actions in your ObservePoint account provide a quick and efficient way to manage multiple Audits and Journeys, helping you maintain a clean and organized account. With Bulk Actions, you can make various changes, such as scheduling, customizing scan limits, adding tools, implementing rules, and organizing your data sources. It simplifies the process of handling multiple tasks in one go, ensuring smoother account management.

How to use Bulk Actions

To get started with Bulk Actions, you will want to select the box right next to the Data Sources text on the main page within ObservePoint to select all Data Sources, or you can select the box next to a folder, or a sub-folder to be more selective.

After you select the desired box, a yellow bar will show up with several options:

  • Scheduling

  • Setup

  • Standards

  • Organization

Scheduling - You can schedule and manage your Audits and Journeys in bulk with this tab.

You can do the following:

  • Run Now

  • Pause Scheduled Runs

  • Resume Scheduled Runs

  • Change Run Frequency

  • Stop & Discard Runs

Setup - You can customize Audit scan limits and add additional tools to your Data Sources here.

You can add the following:

  • Page Limit

  • Add Data Layers

  • Add File Substitutions


    • Start Monitoring

    • Stop Monitoring

Standards - You can add Rules to your Data Sources and reprocess important data.

You can do the following here:

  • Assign Rule

  • Reprocess Consent Categories

  • Reprocess Rules

Organization - You can keep your account tidy and organized here.

You can do the following here:

  • Add Label

  • Move to Folder/Sub-folder

  • Remove Associated Labels


    • Delete Journeys/Audits

    • Delete Folders

    • Delete Sub-folders

    • Delete Labels


These features within ObservePoint are valuable tools for simplifying and streamlining account management. By enabling users to perform a range of actions on multiple Audits and Journeys at once, it enhances efficiency and organization. This feature is essential for maintaining a well-structured account, saving time, and ensuring that tasks are executed smoothly.

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