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Page Details Report
Page Details Report
Luiza Gircoveanu avatar
Written by Luiza Gircoveanu
Updated over 2 weeks ago


The Page Details report gives you deep insight into all data we collect on any page. You can access it by clicking on any URL in an Audit report.

The report is broken into the following tabs:

Page Information

This tab displays:

  • The Page Status Code

  • The Page Load Time

  • The Page Size

  • Web Vitals - This is a preview feature and is under development (source)

    • Largest Contentful Paint (LCP): Measures loading performance. To provide a good user experience, LCP must occur within 2.5 seconds of when the page first starts loading.

    • Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS): Measures visual stability. To provide a good user experience, sites should maintain a CLS of 0.1 or less.

    • First Contentful Paint (FCP): An important, user-centric metric for measuring perceived load speed. It marks the first point in the page load timeline where the user can see anything on the screen. A fast FCP helps reassure the user that something is happening. To provide a good user experience, sites must have an FCP of 1.8 seconds or less. To ensure that you're hitting this target for most of your users, a good threshold to measure is the 75th percentile of page loads, segmented across mobile and desktop devices.

    • Time to First Byte (TTFB): A metric that measures the time between the request for a resource and when the first byte of a response begins to arrive. Because TTFB precedes user-centric metrics such as First Contentful Paint (FCP) and Largest Contentful Paint (LCP), it's recommended that your server responds to navigation requests quickly enough so that the 75th percentile of users experience an FCP within the "good" threshold. As a rough guide, most sites should strive to have Time To First Byte of 0.8 seconds or less.

    A full guide on how to interpret Web Vitals results is now to be found here.

  • Links to this URL - This allows you to identify all pages that link to a specific page. You can efficiently pinpoint instances where a broken link may be affecting the overall user experience.

  • Links From This Page - This section will help you ensure that all links on any given page are experiences you would want available to your customers. You can check internal links are valid and referrals to external links are valid and tracked.

  • File Substitutions results (if applied)

  • A screenshot of the page


This tab shows you all the tags found on an individual page. You can search by tag, variable, or value to filter the list. You can also see Related Cookies, Tag Category, Tag Status Codes, and how many Requests were mapped to that specific Tag. If you click on any tag name to expand it you will see what variables were found and which account/request they were tied to. Use this to troubleshoot rule failures and do deeper, page level analysis.


You can search the cookies to filter them down to what you are interested in and by clicking on a cookie you will find additional details like the Name, Value, Domain, Path, Cookie Duration, Cookie Expiration, HttpOnly, SameSite, and Secure setting and Origin Story. These are important when it comes to the security of your site and privacy of your users! See the Cookie Inventory for more details/descriptions.


The Accessibility tab provides a comprehensive overview of all issues detected by automated accessibility tests, ensuring compliance with WCAG 2.0, 2.1, and 2.2 standards (A, AA, AAA levels). For more information on WCAG here is a nice guide.

Key Features

  • Issue Detection: Automatically identifies accessibility issues on your webpage.

  • Detailed Reporting: Displays the specific problems, their locations on the page, and steps to fix them.

Important Tools and Filters

  • Filter by Standard and Level: Easily narrow down issues by specific WCAG standards and compliance levels.

  • Filter by Severity: Sort issues based on their severity to prioritize fixes.

  • Element Selectors: Quickly locate offending elements on the webpage using provided selectors.

  • Quick Links to WCAG Standards: Access links to WCAG standards for a better understanding of the issues and how to address them.

Issue Types

Critical: Accessibility problems that significantly hinder or completely block the ability of people with disabilities to access and use web content.

Serious: Accessibility problems that significantly impact the usability of web content for people with disabilities, causing considerable inconvenience or difficulty without completely blocking access.

Moderate: are accessibility problems that impact the usability of web content for people with disabilities, creating noticeable challenges that can be overcome with some effort.

Minor: Problems that have a small impact on the usability of web content for people with disabilities, causing minor inconveniences or deviations from best practices without significantly hindering access.

For a list of the WCAG criteria being checked refer to our more in depth Accessibility help document.

Note: For full compliance, manual testing is required beyond automated tests.

Request Log

The Request Log tab will display all network requests captured on the specific page during the Audit. You can see details such as Tags, Cookies Initiated, Origin, Response Size, Load time, Status Code, Geo.

Also, If you expand the request you can also see the same details and a few more.

Additionally, you have the option to see the JavaScripts File Differences and to enable showing Pre-Audit Action Requests by toggling the available buttons

Note: You can hover over any tag icon to see the name.

Note: Not all requests are tags! But you may find some requests that are tags, but aren't identified yet, and need to be added to the ObservePoint library. Send your Customer Success Manager the URL where the tag is present and the request URL itself to have us add the tag to our database, so we can identify it in future scans.

Console Log

As before you can see the Console Log messages for each individual page with any details captured including which tag, if any, it is associated with. You can either filter with the search bar or by selecting a specific message type. See the Browser Console Logs report for more details.

Tag Initiators

This report allows you to see the hierarchy of tags on the page (according to Google Chrome). This information is pulled from the Requests tab in your console. You can see a visual representation of these relationships at the top of this report (you can also click on this image to expand to full screen for easier viewing). Below the visual representation is a list of the the initiators in the order they initiated. Here you can click through and copy the request URL you are looking to hunt down.

This report is useful for tracking down where a rogue or piggybacking tag is coming from or identifying technologies firing outside of your TMS (hard-coded tags). This is especially relevant with Privacy.

Note: With this report it is always good to double check a relationship by using File Substitutions to block the request you think is initiating the call and seeing if that tag disappears from the Audit.


Here you can see all of your Applied, Failed, Passing, and Rules Not Applied. You can expand any of the categories to see exactly why a rule is failing on a particular page.

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