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Triggered Alerts Report
Triggered Alerts Report
Luiza Gircoveanu avatar
Written by Luiza Gircoveanu
Updated over 4 months ago


The Triggered Alerts report is a summary of the most recent triggered Alerts from Audits.


This report has robust filtering that allows you to drill into several areas such as:

  • Run Date Range: You can filter run dates by 30, 60, 90 days, all available days, or filter by a custom date range.

  • Alert Labels: If you have attached Labels to your Alerts, you will be able to filter your Alerts by Labels. If you want to learn more about

  • Data Sources

  • Folder & Sub-folder

  • Subscribed Alert Only

  • Report Metrics

Recently Triggered: You can organize recently triggered Alert dates in ascending or descending order by clicking on the top of the report.

Clicking on Alert Name or Logic: You can easily edit an Alert name or its logic by clicking them.

Subscribers: Add or remove subscribers by clicking on the bell icon; the number next to the icon indicates how many subscribers are assigned to that Alert.

Data Source: You can view the triggered Alert by clicking and expanding the icon under Data Sources. This will show all of the Audits that this Alert is triggering on and you can click on the Audit and it will take you to the offending report widget. You can also view the Alert History here as well.

In the top right corner of the report, you can quickly go to the Alert Library and you can also export a CSV report of all recently triggered Alerts.

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