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Luiza Gircoveanu avatar
Written by Luiza Gircoveanu
Updated over 10 months ago


Alerts allow you to build powerful customized notifications surrounding core metrics in the ObservePoint.

There is a lot of information that ObservePoint gathers in a single Audit, to take full advantage of this data, you should set up Alerts. They can be applied to a single or multiple Audits and even show you if it would have been triggered on runs before the Alert was created.

Creating Alerts

Alerts menu

  • On the left-hand menu, select Standards, then select Alerts. This will take you to the Alerts menu.

The Alerts menu will contain all the Alerts that have been created in your account. Here you can assign Alerts to Audits and subscribe multiple users to Alerts. This is the best place to filter and manage your Alerts.

Audit Reports

When looking at Audit results, you can create Alerts for any metrics in an Audit report. You can create Alerts quickly by clicking on the bell icon that appears over each metric.

Most of these metrics will have a pre-populated number to make an Alert. You can change them to suit your expectations better or leave them at the populated number to see how Audits perform with future runs. Metrics that have an Alert assigned to them will have a bell with a checkmark visible when viewing Audit reports.

Alert Definitions:

  • Triggered Alert: Any Alert that has failed the configured logic

  • Report metric: Combination of the report and widget metric.

  • Subscribed Alert: An Alert linked to notification profile to which the current user is the owner or associated.

Alert Notifications

Alert notifications are emailed to each subscribed user. Notifications are sent after an Audit run is complete. You can change the frequency of notifications sent out when you create an Alert. You can set an Alert notification to be sent out each time it is triggered, or you configure it to be sent once when it is newly triggered; this option will reset when the Alert is no longer triggered.

Note: If you have an Alert that has notifications sent each time is triggered associated with multiple Audits, this will result in a lot of notifications being sent to each subscriber of that Alert.

Future updates will include support notification integrations for webhook, Slack, and Microsoft Teams.

Note: You can set up email notifications for Slack, Microsoft Teams, and JIRA.

View this help document for Slack email notifications.

View this help document for Microsoft Teams email notifications.

View this help document for JIRA notifications.

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